Discover the Benefits of Homeschooling for Struggling Students


If you have a student who is struggling in school, you may feel discouraged. You want the best for your students and are looking for solutions to help them learn effectively. For many parents, homeschooling can be an effective solution for their struggling learners. In this post, we will explore the benefits of homeschooling for struggling students and discuss how it could be the right option for your family.

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What Annual Assessments Do Homeschooled 11th Graders Need to Take?


If you’re homeschooling your 11th grader, it’s important to make sure they are adequately prepared for the college assessments they may need to take. Knowing which tests and assessments are available, as well as when and how to register for them, can help ensure that your homeschooled student has the best chance of success. In this blog post, we will discuss the annual assessments typically taken by 11th-grade students, including:

  • The ACT
  • The CLT 
  • The SAT

Read on to learn more about these different tests and how you can help your student get ready for them.

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How to Get a Driver’s Permit for Homeschoolers


Getting a driver’s license can be one of the most exciting and worrying moments for students during their high school years. Most students will carry around their plastic card and show everyone, “I’ve got my driver’s license!”

Really, that driver’s license shouts from the street, “I’ve got freedom! I have responsibility! I’m an adult!” It’s quite a wonderful thing for students desiring independence and responsibility in their lives. None of this is different when talking about homeschoolers or alternative education students.

Obtaining a driver's license will be a slightly different process for everyone based on where they live, and there are parts you will need to become familiar with in your situation. Unless an individual has a legally restrictive circumstance, they should be able to get a driver’s license or learner’s permit. 

Before we begin general requirements, know that homeschoolers’ paperwork has often been dismissed as invalid or incomplete. Please finish reading this article and review the paperwork requirements specific to your state from your DMV's website to know what is required of your student and family.

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Homeschooling for ADHD Students: Is It Right for Your Child?


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common condition that affects children and teens, making it difficult for them to focus and pay attention in a regular class setting. For many children with ADHD, a traditional brick-and-mortar school’s environment might hinder their learning. The idea of homeschooling their children also can be both intimidating and anxiety-inducing. Will my child do better academically if they learn from home? In this blog post, we will discuss the potential of homeschooling as an alternative learning option for students with ADHD and how it could benefit your child.

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Understanding the Annual Assessments Needed for Homeschooled 10th Graders


Homeschooling is becoming a popular choice for parents who want to have a greater say in the education of their student or provide their students with a unique learning environment. But with this freedom comes the responsibility to be aware of relevant deadlines and responsibilities. Therefore, it is important to understand the annual assessments typically taken by students in grade 10 and what they mean for your student’s future. 

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Optimize Your Partner School's Daily Schedule: Tips for Coordinators to Create Effective Plans


When it comes to leading an Alliance school, creating an effective daily schedule for students is essential. Not only does it help ensure that learning objectives are met, but it also helps create a structure and rhythm that can boost productivity and aid classroom management. In this blog post, we provide tips for Alliance school coordinators on optimizing their students' daily schedules. We'll cover how to plan math, English, history, and science classes, as well as exciting electives like art and music. We'll also discuss the importance of providing breaks and lunch throughout the day so your students can stay energized and focused. 

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Four Essential Questions Parents Should Ask Before Enrolling Children in an Online School


Are you considering enrolling your child in an online school? As a parent, you have every right to be concerned about the quality of the educational experience your child will receive. To help make this decision easier, here are four essential questions parents need to ask before choosing an online school.

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How to Quickly Fix Slow Load Times on Your Child's Computer


Is your child's computer running slowly and taking far too long to open a new tab or load a page? In this blog post, we'll explore what causes slow loading times on computers and how to fix them quickly. So read on for some tips and tricks on getting your child's computer up and running in no time!

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How to Fast-Track Your Child's Homeschooling


Have you considered homeschooling for your child, but are worried about a lengthy admissions process? Don’t let that be an obstacle to a better education. With the right guidance and resources, you can easily fast-track the admission stage, no matter where in the world you live. In this blog, we’ll break down how parents can quickly and efficiently get their children set up with a quality homeschool education.

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Finding a Second Chance at Education: How Enlightium Academy Can Help Expelled Students


When a student is expelled from school due to academic or behavioral concerns, it can be an overwhelming experience for both the student and their parents. It’s challenging to find a new school that can provide a personalized academic approach to education. Enlightium Academy offers exactly what parents of expelled students might need to help their student to get on track. As an online school, Enlightium Academy accepts students throughout the year in grades PreK-12. We provide an easy admissions process, affordable tuition, counselors, and caring teachers who guide each student toward an accredited diploma. Read on to learn more about how Enlightium Academy can help your child get back on track with their education!

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Seven Recommendations to Follow to Give Homeschooled Students Structure


Structure originates from the Latin word structura, which means "a fitting together or building." When students work on assignments in a homeschool environment, it is important to have a set of rules. If students follow a schedule and stay productive, they may accomplish more within a smaller window of time.

Here are seven recommendations for providing your homeschooled student with a structured day.

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Ready, Set, Launch! How to Start a Micro-school with Just Ten Students


Are you ready to start a micro-school? With just ten students, you can launch a school with the help of the Enlightium Academy Alliance Program team. All you need is a space within your church or a community center, a few computers, and the commitment and enthusiasm to create an individualized learning environment for your students. Let Enlightium Academy help you make your dream of launching a micro-school a reality!

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Ten Reasons Why Homeschooling Might Be an Excellent Choice for Your Family


Are you pondering about homeschooling your children? If so, you are not alone. With more parents searching for an alternative to traditional schools, homeschooling has become an increasingly popular option. From providing individualized attention to fostering creativity and encouraging family time, homeschooling might be the best choice for your family. Here are ten reasons why homeschooling might be an excellent choice for you.

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How Can Parents Plan for the Upcoming School Year During the Summer?


As parents of online students, you may be thinking about the upcoming school year and how your students can work ahead in their education or be better prepared for the next grade level. At Enlightium Academy, students and their parents have several opportunities during the summer months that they can take advantage of.

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Does My Student Have the Best Internet Connection for Online Schooling?


Technology continues to grow exponentially, and so does our need for a reliable, efficient, and safe connection to the Internet. Internet Service Providers have developed several ways to connect to the Internet. Keep reading for a list of internet connection types and how well they work for online students.

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Navigating Annual Standardized Assessments for Homeschooled Students in Grade 8


For homeschooled students in grade 8, annual assessments are an important part of tracking progress. Not only do they provide feedback on academic strengths and weaknesses, but they can also offer insights into college readiness and career paths. This guide will explore the different tests available to homeschooled students in grade 8, including the PSAT 8/9, the CLT8, and the Iowa Complete. With this information in hand, parents can make informed decisions about which assessments best align with their student’s academic goals.

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How Do College Admission Officers View Students Who Were Homeschooled?


As homeschooling has become increasingly popular in recent years, many students and parents have wondered if college admission officers might “look down” on those who were homeschooled. The answer is a resounding “no;” college admissions officers recognize that homeschooled students can bring unique qualities and experiences to their campus. In fact, they often see the self-discipline and initiative that comes with homeschooling as an asset. In this blog, we’ll look at how college admissions view homeschoolers, what objectives you should focus on as a homeschool student, and tips for making your application stand out.

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Frequently Asked Questions from Parents about Homeschooling


In recent years, homeschooling has become an increasingly popular option for parents looking to provide their children with a high-quality education. However, as with any important decision, many questions and doubts often arise when someone considers homeschooling. To help navigate this important decision, here are some frequently asked questions from parents considering homeschooling their children.

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Where to Place Your Student's Desk for an Optimal Homeschool Learning Environment


As parents of online homeschool students, it is important to provide your student with the right learning environment. Finding the right spot in your home for a desk can be one of the most difficult parts of setting up a homeschool space. Here are some tips on how to pick the ideal location for your student's desk and create an optimal learning environment.

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Building Healthy Eating Habits


What is the best diet?

Is it low-fat? Low-carb? Paleo? Keto? Vegetarian? Mediterranean? And while it would be easier if there was The One Diet to Rule Them All, unfortunately, there isn’t one. What a bummer! We like easy answers, but life so rarely works out that way.

This is the fourth entry in the Healthy Meals for Homeschoolers series. You can find the entire series at this link.

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